Davidoff launched the legendary fragrance Davidoff Cool Water for men in 1988. This scent revolutionized men’s fragrances thanks to the air of freshness injected into the mixture. This sharp and intense cologne manages to combine a crispness that resonates with men from all walks of life.
What is a Tester?
Sold without the fancy box and sometimes without the designer cap. Testers are 100% original and authentic. Typically used by department stores to display the fragrance. All testers are new and unused.
Why are they unboxed?
In certain instances, parcels may suffer damage during transit, resulting in the boxes becoming torn or exhibiting signs of imperfection. As a result, we are able to procure these unboxed items at a reduced cost and subsequently pass the resulting savings onto you. Take advantage of these exceptional unboxed offers.
What is a Tester?
Sold without the fancy box and sometimes without the designer cap. Testers are 100% original and authentic. Typically used by department stores to display the fragrance. All testers are new and unused.
Why are they unboxed?
In certain instances, parcels may suffer damage during transit, resulting in the boxes becoming torn or exhibiting signs of imperfection. As a result, we are able to procure these unboxed items at a reduced cost and subsequently pass the resulting savings onto you. Take advantage of these exceptional unboxed offers.